Hello Artists! I hope everyone is doing well. Below is the information on the project we are going to start. If you need help or have any questions, please let me know, I will be more that glad to help. You can post a comment or send an e-mail
Student will demonstrate contour line techniques
Student will demonstrate how to shade with various types techniques
Student will demonstrate how to observe and draw the form of a shoe
12” x 18” paper, ruler, eraser, pencil, ink (upon return to
Vocabulary:contour line, hatch, cross-hatching,
stippling, pen-ink, inking, line (including types of lines: horizontal, vertical, diagonal, parallel, organic, and geometric), value (light-medium-dark), cast shadow, pattern, and parts of the shoe (sole, tongue, heel, toe, etc).
Types of Lines:Contour Line-a line which shows or describes edges or outlines of a shape or form.
Hatching-lines or strokes places parallel to each other to create grey tones.
Cross Hatching-the overlapping of hatched or parallel lines to create value.
Stippling- Use of dots to create value. The closer together the dots, the darker the tone.
Examples of different types of linesAssignment: The assignment is a two part project. Divide the 12" x 18" paper equally into two sections (do not fold or draw a line!). Next, choose two different shoes to draw. Once your selection has been made, use a pencil to draw the shoes on the two practice sheets of paper I provided in your folder. For the final project, re-draw the two shoes LARGE from different angles. The shoe should be drawn as if it is a 3D form-meaning, it shouldn't look flat. Once the shoes have been drawn, lightly use line techniques to shade them. When you return to
Schutz we will ink your project.
Step by step processConcepts To Be Demonstrated:You will be graded on demonstrating the following:
a) Draw shoe using contour lines.
b) Use various line techniques to shade the contour shoe drawing.
Proportion-the various sections of the shoe (sole, tongue, heel, toe, etc) should be in
proportion to one another.
d) Size and Placement-The size of the two shoe drawings should take-up the full sheet of paper (see examples below). One shoe should consume the upper portion of the paper, while the other shoe will be in the bottom portion of the paper.
e) Neatness-there should be no marks in the space
outside the shoes.
Grading:5 of 5 concepts demonstrated equals an A
4 of 5 concepts demonstrated equals a B
3 of 5 concepts demonstrated equals a C
2 of 5 concepts demonstrated equals a D
1 of 5 concepts demonstrated equals an F