Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Grade 7: Photography Appreciation

Please share your response with me via google.doc

Step 1: Below are 20 images. I want you to choose your top three (the ones you that appeal to you the most) and bottom three images (the ones that appeal to you the least).

Step 2: Answer the following questions about each of your TOP three favorite images.  Please include the image and your responses must be in complete sentences.
a) Why did this image appeal to you?
b) What do you think the image is about?
c) What do you think the photographer is communicating with this photograph?

Answer the following questions about each of your BOTTOM three least favorite images. Please include the image and your responses must be in complete sentences.
a) Why didn't you like the image?
b) What do you think the images is about? 
c) What do you think the photographer is communicating with this photograph?
See the example in CLASSROOM  





















Saturday, March 21, 2020

Simple Stencil Project

Today's Assignment: Design a draft for a 1-color stencil. 

Objective: Design 3 stencil draft ideas with paper and pencil and post in classroom
Idea 1: An object

Idea 2: An abstract/pattern design (papel picados are something similar)


Step 1: Draw the image as a whole

Step 2: Divide that image into shapes

Step 3: Remove shapes (You won't be doing this today-but I want you to see the process.)

Each of you found a links to video on how to make different stencils. I will be compiling a list of the better ones to share with you. The main idea is that a image is made up by cut shapes. You want to avoid trying to create one shape to cut out.

Here is a video on the correct and incorrect way to cut a stencil: 

Monday, March 9, 2020

Grade 6 Value Scale and One Point Perspective Landscape

Assignment-1 Point Perspective (2 sessions)

Step 1: Create a value scale (30 minutes)
Supplies: Pencil, ruler, eraser, and paper.

Learning objectives:
A. The student will create a 10 square value scale, identify the values, and shade in each value. 1-3 Light Values, 4-7 Medium Values, and 8-10 Dark Values. See example and video below.
B. Below the Value Scale, the student will three 3-D shapes with a cast shadow. The shapes are: Cube, Pyramid, and Cylinder. The shapes will be shaded.
See example and video below.
C. When you are finished, take photo and submit on classroom for feedback.

Step 2: Create draft to 1-Point Perspective landscape. (50+ minutes)
Supplies: Pencil, ruler, eraser, and paper.

Vocabulary: Vanishing point, Types of Lines (horizontal, vertical, parallel, diagonal, and organic), Foreground, Middle Ground, Background, Rendering, Source of Light, Depth, and Perspective.

Learning Objectives:
A. Student will learn how to draw a 1-point perspective landscape drawing using a variety of lines to show depth and details.
B. Watch the video: https://youtu.be/1mtzgQe52RU
C: Establish a horizon line and vanishing point on you paper and continue.
D: When you are finished, take photo and submit on classroom for feedback.

References and Examples:
Look up: one point perspective landscapes, one point perspective drawings

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Architecture Questions for Mixed Media

Grade 7 & 8 Mixed Media,

We will be putting the group video on hold and will return to it in April when we return to school. We will be starting our Batik style Architecture cloth painting.

Project: Batik style Architecture cloth painting
Topic: Architecture
Part 1: Define and Identify what Architecture is. Research and share your opinions (approx. 50 minutes)

Please answer the following questions IN COMPLETE SENTENCES on a Google Doc and share it with me. (approx. 50 minutes)
1. In your own words, what is architecture?
2. Would you consider architecture art? Why or why not.
3. What type of architecture appeals to you? Take and submit 2 screen shots of buildings and explain why they appeal to you.
4. Research the following terms: Unusual architecture, weird buildings, strange buildings, bizarre architecture, redefining architecture, unique buildings, etc. Take and submit 2 screen shots of unique buildings and explain why they appeal to you. Take and submit 2 screen shots of unique buildings that DON’T appeal to you and explain why.
5. “Physical surroundings can have a major impact on a person. There's a growing body of research that suggests architecture affects us both physically and emotionally.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Defend your response

Formatting example of questions 3 & 4.

3. I like architecture that are organic shapes and remind me of food.
A: Saint Basil's Cathedral. This Russian church domes remind me of onions.       

B: Add second screen shot, name building (if applicable),, and explain why it appeals to you.

4. Unusual Buildings
A. Unknown name. I like this building because I like how the units are stacked – it reminds me of blocks.

B. Add second screen shot, name building (if applicable), and explain why it appeals to you.

C. Unknown name. I dislike this house because of the droopy shapes and cartoony look. It looks haunted.

D. Add second screen shot, name building (if applicable), and explain why it DOESN’T appeals to you.