Monday, March 9, 2020

Grade 6 Value Scale and One Point Perspective Landscape

Assignment-1 Point Perspective (2 sessions)

Step 1: Create a value scale (30 minutes)
Supplies: Pencil, ruler, eraser, and paper.

Learning objectives:
A. The student will create a 10 square value scale, identify the values, and shade in each value. 1-3 Light Values, 4-7 Medium Values, and 8-10 Dark Values. See example and video below.
B. Below the Value Scale, the student will three 3-D shapes with a cast shadow. The shapes are: Cube, Pyramid, and Cylinder. The shapes will be shaded.
See example and video below.
C. When you are finished, take photo and submit on classroom for feedback.

Step 2: Create draft to 1-Point Perspective landscape. (50+ minutes)
Supplies: Pencil, ruler, eraser, and paper.

Vocabulary: Vanishing point, Types of Lines (horizontal, vertical, parallel, diagonal, and organic), Foreground, Middle Ground, Background, Rendering, Source of Light, Depth, and Perspective.

Learning Objectives:
A. Student will learn how to draw a 1-point perspective landscape drawing using a variety of lines to show depth and details.
B. Watch the video:
C: Establish a horizon line and vanishing point on you paper and continue.
D: When you are finished, take photo and submit on classroom for feedback.

References and Examples:
Look up: one point perspective landscapes, one point perspective drawings

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