Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Grade 7: Photography Appreciation

Please share your response with me via google.doc

Step 1: Below are 20 images. I want you to choose your top three (the ones you that appeal to you the most) and bottom three images (the ones that appeal to you the least).

Step 2: Answer the following questions about each of your TOP three favorite images.  Please include the image and your responses must be in complete sentences.
a) Why did this image appeal to you?
b) What do you think the image is about?
c) What do you think the photographer is communicating with this photograph?

Answer the following questions about each of your BOTTOM three least favorite images. Please include the image and your responses must be in complete sentences.
a) Why didn't you like the image?
b) What do you think the images is about? 
c) What do you think the photographer is communicating with this photograph?
See the example in CLASSROOM  



















